An Entry From Yesterday...
Sunday, March 17, 2002, 10:23 PM
I am in London (Ontario...) right now -- I've been here since Friday. When my mom and I drove up here, I was the one who did the driving -- my first time doing the 2-hour drive to London.
I didn't bring
Great Expectations with me to London so that I wouldn't (couldn't) be tempted to read it instead of
In The Shadow Of A Saint. It worked. I'm now more than halfway through, to Chapter 10 of a total of 18 chapters. Yay.
I don't have a computer at home in Toronto and my brother has packed away his laptop already so I can't use it today -- hopefully I will find a way to publish this soon.
10:28 PM
Actually, today I did end up getting my computer back *smiles joyously* So it's all good. It was a little strange not having access to information right at my fingertips and it's nice to have my computer back. All the computer guy could tell us was that there are a lot of things wrong with the computer. Yeah. Not like I didn't know my computer was screwed up before.